Boy Scouts of America (BSA) has caused pain to so many people. In mid-2019, TIME reported 12,000+ known sexual abuse victims, which experts say is grossly underestimated. While these victims have already come forward to file claims, many are still wondering if it’s worth it. We get it—it’s not easy.
During this time, you’ve likely had to relive painful memories you wish to leave in the past. But in our experience as advocates for victims of sexual abuse, it’s only by pursuing a claim will you obtain the justice and closure you deserve. We can’t say how much compensation you will receive, but in our opinion, it’ll be well worth the effort.
For more information on why it’s worth filing a claim against BSA, continue reading below.
Take Action
For so long, you’ve been bound by the actions of your abuser(s). This may have caused you physical, mental, or emotional trauma throughout your life.
By filing a claim, you get to take action into your own hands. You get to hold others accountable for their wrongdoings. In doing so, you get to share your story with trusted advisors and attorneys who will help to simplify the process of filing claims.
And while this will never erase your experience, it does allow you to close a previous chapter and move forward in a healthy way.
Seek Justice
Fair and just treatment is your right. By taking legal action, you’re not only seeking justice for yourself, but for everyone who was abused while in scouting.
Justice can come in many forms for victims, including financial and emotional recovery. In filing a claim, you can receive compensation for the losses you’ve faced. This helps victims start fresh when it comes to careers, relationships, and more.
Get Closure
Finally, it’s worth it to seek closure to resolve painful thoughts and feelings from your past. The event(s) of your abuse has likely left a significant impact on your life, and with it comes anger and fear towards others.
For example, you may resent a parent who suggested you join scouts in the first place. You may have trouble trusting others now as a result. Remember, it does not matter how long ago your abuse happened—victims have the right to get closure, regardless of how much time has passed.
By filing a claim, you get the closure you deserve, so you can begin to properly heal. This is extremely important for victims of sexual abuse.
Understand the Latest News Regarding the Boy Scouts of America
The Bankruptcy Court deadline for sexual abuse victims to file a claim was November 16, 2020. Now, Hurley McKenna & Mertz are tracking all of the news related to the Boy Scouts bankruptcy filing and what it means for claimants.
You can see all the latest updates here.