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News & Perspective

October 28, 2016

Being an Informed and Empowered Patient Can Reduce Your Risk of Experiencing a Medical Mistake

When it comes to the problems in our healthcare system today—be it the increase in medical malpractice liability coverage costs for physicians, or the deterioration of the system itself—the blame often falls to “runaway juries,” outrageous award amounts for non-economic...

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October 21, 2016

Does the FDA Really Protect the Public?

Government agencies like the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) were put into place to protect the public. But what happens when that agency fails to do its job; when they and the companies they are supposed to regulate...

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October 14, 2016

Felonious Physicians – How State by State Licensing Boards Are Putting Patients at Risk

Doctors may be mere humans, just like the rest of us, but by default, they are held to a higher standard. We expect them to be rational, honest, and moral human beings. This is not irrational or asking too much....

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October 9, 2016

Emergency Room Doctors More Likely to Miss Stroke in Women, Minorities, and Younger Patients

When it comes to strokes, research indicates that the outcome of a patient can improve by as much as 80 percent if they are given prompt and early treatment. Unfortunately, for anywhere between 15,000 and 165,000 Americans per year, such...

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September 30, 2016

Pedestrian Auto Accident Deaths Are Increasing

When a pedestrian is involved in an automobile accident, the results are often fatal. For this reason, many cities have taken significant measures to improve pedestrian safety. Despite those efforts, many parts of the country are still experiencing a rise...

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September 23, 2016

Do You Have a Medical Malpractice Case?

Medical malpractice – medical treatment that is substandard to the point of causing harm, death, or injury to a patient – is now the third leading cause of death in the United States. What really constitutes malpractice, though, and do...

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September 16, 2016

Hospitals Claim They May Change How They Handle Medical Errors – Too Good to Be True, or an Honest Effort?

Earlier this year, the BMJ published a frightening and ground-breaking report – medical errors, or medical mistakes made during the course of treatment, cause more deaths than traffic accidents, construction accidents, diabetes, and even obesity. In fact, the only cancer...

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August 24, 2016

Information on Bad Doctor Behavior Varies from State to State

Savvy patients might know they need to research their doctor’s history. They may even know where to look. But what they may not realize is that the information provided on bad doctoring practices and the disciplinary actions taken against poor-performing...

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